Monday, March 21, 2022


Thinking about that time you
stepped off the edge of the earth and
I (so long) waited
for you to
come (back) with a
glass full of wine/guitar/heart words,
or mouth full of hot words like bees or
broken glass
or incidentalsentimental words you plucked from the street like
a prize ticket or trash—


anything at all, but
you (obviously) were

by your own extraterrestrial logic and, like,
I want to be sofuckingdisgusted,

but I know you never grabbed a clock or map and grabbed instead
tequila, which I like,
and drank
like gasofuckingline, setting fire
to the whole scene, which we liked, and we should have seen
that nothingnothingnothing was quite the way we thought,
and never had to be,

but here we are (nowhere) and you’re still
in outer space, still like quiet water or
dead fire, deadest anything,
too damn dead and still

like your dark eyes in the redlights, ghost deer in the headlights, and
talking to the point of exhaustion and daylight when birdsongs
and sunlight scorch heathen mind and eyes.

And the scarf is torn from the window now, (and not worn) because
it's time to go, to go, to get up and go.

Take the hose back to the station. Sing songs and sleep.
Sleep long and sweet, sleep
long enough to forget
that you were here or
where you went or
why you came at all.


Friday, January 15, 2021


A delicate thing it is
              to annihilate
it is in the cracks of the
beautiful (delicate) things that we most
can destroy, or do.

Annihilate is a word most delicate,
with cloudy, soft sounds, pushing gently through the mouth,
a whisper.

Delicate is more firm, has structure.
Delicate, like meringue.

How delicate we are when we annihilate sometimes:
How delicate the thought, how soft the annihilation.
How delicate the intrusion, how soft the annihilation.
How delicate the destruction, how soft the annihilation.


Sunday, December 6, 2020


Call the moths in their brigades 
of dust.

I hear you.

Sirens and flames
call the same and refuse to

stand still. Even so,

you knew
what you were asking for.


It wasn't the way you shut me out. 
It was the way you let me in.

Like you knew it was closing time. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Imagine my dismay when
I learned that by
pulling myself back from you
                                 I was only nestling deeper
                                 into the string
                                 of my bow.


Sunday, July 8, 2018


Be still this heart, quiet still-
a breath, a ghost. These are
only words. Hands
touchhold (still words, still)
tongue, yes
words only words-
Deep and deeper still. Taste, yes,

feel. Christ.
Christ or god or stars. Come down, come
to dirt, to body, feeltaste
touch. Make this
real, surreal.

I know.
No one
gives a fuck out here
beneath the sky and leavesandrain.

Just take
thisnow, make
aching reason to be here,
this hungry



Imagine that the hands were the smallest and in the digging
found nothing and so much, too much,
like you- the thickest to dig through, the hardest, the thing that
the things too much. Nothing but broken every where
and it was all
torn apart, so
torn apart. Like you- you too, all tornandbroken
apart. And here I stand surrounded by so much nothing, so many
broken everything that was
ours. I am standing here, a numb child who didn’t fucking mean to,
but still, my dumb hands are empty
and they are covered in dirt.
